Follow along with me on my journey across the United States this summer. Postings will be updated regularly to allow everyone to share my experiences through pictures and comments.

Big Ride Route

Big Ride Route
Click on map to view cities being visited

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008 – Day 32

Start: Madison, Wisconsin
End: Belvidere, Illinois
Miles: 100.06 Total Miles: 2,424.28 BRAA Total Miles: 2,287.70
Time: 6 hours 50 minutes (avg 14.6 MPH)
Flat tire count today: 0 Total flat tires for the ride: 9

As we broke camp this morning, we were attacked by the mosquitoes. They did not go away from the night before. When I looked up at the roof of my tent, it was covered with mosquitoes between the tent and the rain fly. It was awful, but at least they were on the outside of the tent. They were still there when I unpacked my tent this afternoon to set it up at our stop for the night.

I figured out where all these mosquitoes in the area come from. The “mother of all mosquitoes is located in Belvidere, Illinois. I saw this one as I got close to our camping destination. I sure hope it doesn’t visit our campsite. I know all its smaller relatives will definitely be there.

We started our ride out of the campsite and off on the side of the road were a couple of Sand Hill Cranes. We weren’t sure what they were, so we asked out resident bird expert and she told us that the picture I got was actually of some babies. There were adults with them as well, but I focused in on the babies.

About half way through the ride, we reached our state number 8 – Illinois! How exciting. That means we only have four more states and Washington, DC left. After tomorrow’s ride, we will be less than 1,000 miles from completion.

For those of you that have been following my postings, you will know that I have been watching the cows watching me. They are a strange bunch. They were not staring today. I think they were too busy playing king of the mountain. I took two pictures so you could see the winners and losers together as well as the winners up close.

Toward the end of the ride, I think we became a little delirious. We started to see things that weren’t really there. Specifically, there was what we thought was an amusement park off in the distance. We thought it looked like roller coasters. As we got closer, we realized it was just another bunch of farm equipment.

Tomorrow’s ride will be another century (100+ miles). That will be three in a row. That will be quite an accomplishment once we complete it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another blood-sucking friend eh..(the mosquitoes)
