Follow along with me on my journey across the United States this summer. Postings will be updated regularly to allow everyone to share my experiences through pictures and comments.

Big Ride Route

Big Ride Route
Click on map to view cities being visited

Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008 – Day 15

Start: Billings, Montana
End: Hardin, Montana
Miles: 57.29 Total Miles: 1,060.42
Time: 3 hours 32 minute (avg 16.2 MPH)

We had a really short day today. The official queue sheet had the ride just under 53 miles for the day. I backtracked a little for a picture and rode around the town a little which added some extra miles.

We headed out of Billings a little later than usual since the ride was so short and there was no rush to get on the road. The ride only took about three and a half hours. The air was pretty cool with a nice tail wind, which helped push us even faster.

Just outside of Billings, before we started our first climb, a group of us stopped to check out a snake that was warming itself in the middle of the road. So far, all we have seen are dead snakes that had been sunning themselves too much and became road kill. This guy was alive and well. As we were taking our photos, a couple of cars tried to get by. They probably thought that us tourists were really strange taking pictures of some snake in the middle of the street. We ended up getting the snake to move off the road and then the cars passed and we continued on. Another group of riders ran into a rattle snake later in the day.

As I was riding along, I was reminded that today was Monday and back at work there are plenty of meetings going on. What reminded me of this out in the wilderness? Well, there was a group of horses gathering in the field. Seeing them hanging around was so much like a group of co-workers preparing to start a meeting. Just hanging out talking about how their weekends were and what they did.

Some of the scenery was outstanding today. There were cliffs or bluffs all around the road. They were really cool to see and ponder how they were formed. I took several pictures of these cliffs, but this one was the best.

As I got closer to our destination, There was a sign announcing we were entering a different county. I looked at the sign and didn’t think much of it at first. I had to stop though and turn around for a picture of the county sign that really summed up Montana for me. I guess out in the middle of nowhere, there is no shooting range, but the locals need to practice their skills so they use the signs. I took one of the front so you can get an idea, but also of the back because that really shows the results.

At our last support stop for the day, the queue sheet described the location as the lone cottonwood. As I approached the area, I immediately understood. All around there was not a tree to be seen, but at the stop, there was this lone cottonwood tree. Strange to see it all alone out in the middle of fields and fields. It pretty much represents how I feel out on the road at times. A lone bicycle out in the middle of nowhere. It is amazing at times.


Anonymous said...

Cool snakey!

Anonymous said...

hope you are enjoying your ride!!!
I am enjoying your family this evening. Nice picture of the snake.