Follow along with me on my journey across the United States this summer. Postings will be updated regularly to allow everyone to share my experiences through pictures and comments.

Big Ride Route

Big Ride Route
Click on map to view cities being visited

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008 – Day 21

Start: Rapid City, South Dakota
End: Kadoka, South Dakota
Miles: 103.17 Total Miles: 1,540.95 BRAA Total Miles: 1,441.60
Time: 6 hours 51 minute (avg 16.5 MPH)
Flat tire count today: 0 Total flat tires for the ride: 6

Today started fast. We were on an open relatively flat straight stretch of road. A few riders began a pace line and as they road by others, more joined in. The pace line grew to eighteen riders. All eighteen were riding very close and very fast. We were averaging between 25 and 30 miles per hour. We held the line together for about an hour and before we knew it, we had put in 30 miles. What a way to start the morning of a ride that was going to be over 100 miles.

A little later down the road, we came across some strange wildlife. Why this was out on someone’s property, I have no idea, but I had to take a picture.

We have a couple of riders that are from Nebraska and are big fans of their college and state. They had an issue with some of the spectators on the side of the road. I think it has something to do with Texas

Next, we entered the Badlands that we have been hearing so much about. I think it wasn’t as bad as it could have been since the temperature was not as high as it could have been. We were there in the upper 80s. We were told the week before the temperature was 116. Thank goodness we came through when we did. The Badlands is a national park where there is pretty much nothing but these mountains that seem to come up from nowhere. There is no water to speak of and the mountains have a lot of wind erosion. They were awesome to see up close and in person.

Toward the end of the ride, there was a prairie dog farm I guess you would call it. You were able to go in and feed the prairie dogs. The funny thing about this is there were several signs back in the Badlands that warn people to stay away from the prairie dogs because they carry plague. I didn’t understand why there would be a place to actually feed them in the same general area.

Finally, I still wonder why these guys are always staring at me.

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